5 Ocak 2016 Salı

Animal Protection Abroad

Animal protection abroad

Most people who have been on holiday abroad should have noticed it.
Stray dogs and cats are on the beaches and streets. Involuntarily we be constantly confronted with the problem of "animal welfare abroad." And who rises up and abroad visited an animal shelter, the images of tortured, neglected and deported four-legged as soon not let go.

High season for killing stations
People's attitude to animals is very different abroad, since this ratio is influenced by religious, cultural and traditional factors. In Muslim countries, for example, dogs are considered unclean. But this is just one of many examples. Fact: In countries outside the European Union (EU) Animal welfare is of little consequence. This applies to dogs and cats as well as for the treatment of animals in agriculture.
In Eastern European countries such as Hungary, Poland and Romania, often simply lack the money to build adequate shelters where the animals must not freeze in the cold winters. Just as in many Mediterranean countries - such as Spain and Greece - also many stray or abandoned animals end up in killing stations. Before the start of the tourist season are held each year called purges. An example: Alone in the Romanian city of Brasov 2008, approximately 7000 dogs captured and put to much of it - their fate shared by many thousands.
Helping people help themselves
But now there are ways and means to act in such countries in terms of animal welfare supportive and there are more and more animal lovers who are also active on the borders of Germany. Using German support, for example, employed veterinarians, secured medical care and sufficient food procured. The money for these activities comes mostly from donations or sponsorships. Just to support projects that ensure the self-help. For example, are regularly performed castrations, the problem of stray animals in principle to get a grip.

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